I am currently working on a setup with very instable 160-250 volt 55-65 hz grid - 60 Ampere single phase grid, three parallelised 48/5000 Quattros on a 23 kW LiFePo4 battery and a 21 kW @ 60 pieces x 350 Watt solar panel grid which I consider to connect DC wise with 4x Smart Solar Can Bus 250 MPPT tracker to the battery directly.
2 problems in my brain:
1. grid is nominal 60 Hz while most machines such as pumps and AC connected to the system will be 50 Hz. Understood Quattro cannot change frequency. Consider to implement an AVR voltage regulator and combined frequency shifting device. To adopt 60 Hz down to 50 Hz. However expensive. Any ideas, or alternatives ?
2. we have a Generator 47 KVA 3 phase 400 Volt 67 Ampere Max - 50 Hz - with ATS but only a single phase system. I am hesitant to rebuild the system for 3 phases as to better balance the load among 3 parallelised Quattros. Anyhow installation so far is single phase and grid is also single phase.
thanks for recommendations and advice.