
hummingbear avatar image
hummingbear asked

Generator Input not showing on VRM Dashboard

I recently installed a Multiplus 5000VA 230V. On my AC Input I have the generator as my source. In my VenusOS settings I set the Generator as the power source for AC Input 1

On all my dashboards for the Venus OS it correctly recognizes the Generator power and displays the correct data. However on VRM that data is not being shown or reported? Any thoughts?



Raspberry Pi 3B Running VenusOS v2.62~2

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loxley avatar image loxley commented ·

I have the same issue.

Generator is set (as AC-In 1).

And it's charging the batteries fine.

However, it's not showing up correctly in the VRM dashboard, or in the remote console.


It shows voltage and frequency (slight diff between AC-In and AC-Out...), but not the current/power.


I've upgraded to the latest firmware for the MP-II


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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ loxley commented ·
That looks alot like what happens when ac pv is charging batteries by back feeding from the ac output. Are you sure it is connected correctly?
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loxley avatar image loxley Alexandra ♦ commented ·
Hi Alexandra.

Yes, pretty sure it's connected correctly. AC input is reading the voltage correctly, so it's definitely coming in on the AC in line.

And yes, it looks like an AC-out coupled PV inverter is attached, based on the VRM. That's the issue - it's not registering as AC-in.

So I can't get it to limit input current, which trips the generator on occasion.

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loxley avatar image loxley loxley commented ·

And yes, AC input is set to "Generator" (setting it to "Grid" or "Shore Power" made no difference)


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2 Answers
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

Under setting in your venus gX there is two ac inputs make AC 1 Generator and make AC2 not available I suspect you currently have it set to generator. then see if that fixes it. if not in the venus select the multiplus and then advanced and select re-detect.

then back into settings select general and then reboot,

Hopefully that will sort it for you.

make sure you have the latest venus firmware 2.60 as well

Hopefully that helps






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hummingbear avatar image hummingbear commented ·

Thank you for the response, AC1 was already set to generator, an AC2 was also set to not available. I told my Venus device to redetect the system, and rebooted it. I just turned my generator back on and it does not show up in VRM... Any ideas?



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ernie avatar image
ernie answered ·

I have the same problem, did you manage to fix it?

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hummingbear avatar image hummingbear commented ·

Nope, nothing yet. I upgraded to the 2.63 Venus firmware this morning, i've meant to run my generator to see if it displays. I'll try that tomorrow

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