I have a system powered by a Li-Ion battery and I installed a BMV-712 to monitor the SOC, current consumption and voltage.
If I leave the battery always on, I have no problem - the monitor will detect everything, goes through charge cycles correctly, etc.
However, when I power the system down (i.e., turn off the battery) and power it up again, the voltage output of the battery is bellow the set "charged voltage" but the SOC reads 100%. If I uncheck the "battery starts synchronized" setting, it shows ---.
Via the manual, I know this is the default behavior, but is there a way to preserve SOC between resets? The load system has safety equipment that must be always on when in operation and must be connected directly to the power supply (sourced by the battery) and that consumes a lot of current, so leaving the battery always on is not an option.
Can I achieve this via VE.direct? I have an embedded controller that could store the SOC and be used to set last known SOC through the VE.direct port when powered up.
Thank you for your time