
stuffen1 avatar image
stuffen1 asked

Inverter AC outlet not working using dual output PS brick

I have an 375VA inverter that exhibits no AC when connected to a dual output DC PS brick but it works with a single output DC PS brick. (tried it with 800VA inverter and got the same results) I'm using a blue tooth dongle to monitor the AC output and confirms there is a problem. I assume I may have a PS switching noise feeding back to the inverter. I installed an EMI filter between the inverter and the dual DC PS brick. Still no AC.

Any advice?

Phoenix Inverter
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1 Answer
Justin Cook avatar image
Justin Cook answered ·

Hi @stuffen1, welcome to the Community!

This is not a supported connection method at all, so I'm afraid that you're unlikely to find an answer here. Whenever connecting components in a manner other than as specified in the manual, it must be a recognized danger that those components may not perform as expected.

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