
randomremy avatar image
randomremy asked

What do 150/35 controller Revisions mean?

Just noticed I bought a rev 1... is there any difference between the revisions I should be aware of or return it?

mppt charging
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


There are a few posts about the difference between each revision. But in a nutshell different capabilites.

See the answer afrom klim8skeptic in this post

So you have a smart mppt or a blue solar? There are some features that are not available with software changes. This for example some of the Rev 1 mmpt blue solars cannot report why they are in the off state. This does not affect the model you have however.

To be honest they will all do the job of using pv to charge the battery as programmed. Install as recommended, update your firmware and you will be fine.

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