On a sailboat, we came to a marina and plugged in. Batteries were pretty full already, but started topping off. Multiplus running latest firmware stayed in absorbtion mode, and we started getting high voltage alerts.
The system has lifepo4 batteries and was set to 14.4.v and on the bmv was seeing 14.5 and higher bounces. I was set for 3hr absorbtion and after 10 hours, was still in absorbtion mode. I was seeing 0-2A of charge. I finally reconfigured the mutilplus to drop the absorbtion volaltage to 13.61 so I wouldn't worry about it overnight.
What would cause this to occur? Both the high voltage, as well as it staying in absorbtion?
Other notes: upgraded firmware about 3 weeks ago, we do have solar and those were showing float and 0 current. Bmv showed 100%. Tried resetting the multiplus (power off and on) and it stayed in absorbtion.