
danglin avatar image
danglin asked

Cannot access Blue Solar 100/50 MPPT - device lost pin code

Overnight, after going to bed, in the morning could not access either my BMV712 or Blue Solar 100/50 MPPT via Bluetooth. Had not changed the six zero pin code on either. Was able to get the PUK from the back of the 712 and reset the PIN - dialog asking for PUK. Cannot do same with the MPPT. Get a dialog asking for what is on the MPPT - not sure if this means the PUK, with is smeared and basically indecipherable. Anyway, the Victron Connect dialog will only take numbers, not letters. The first time I reset the MPPT, I got a dialog about a firmware update, which I activated, and the process completed. After this, have been unable to access the MPPT. VictronConnect_report.log I have reset the MPPT by disconnecting from battery, then PV a number of times. The MPPT is not/has not been paired with the iPhone's regular Bluetooth. One time early in the process there were two MPPT's listed in the Victron devices, one with the vertical dots and one without. Now the MPPT device listed has no dots. The MPPT is charging, seemingly appropriately, though I cannot see details on the MPPT BT screens of course. I have restarted the phone, turned BT off and on, quit Victron Connect a number of times, Sending log, and my best attempt at a picture for the PUK. IMG_2392.jpeg

MPPT Controllers
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2 Answers
klim8skeptic avatar image
klim8skeptic answered ·

Blue Solar Mppt's do not have BT built in.

Do you have a BT dongle plugged into the mppt??

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danglin avatar image
danglin answered ·

Yes, I've had the MPPT device for about two years now and it has worked fine. It gives this dialog when I try to pair. It won't take the default code. There is a "reset pin code" button on the dongle, but it seems to do nothing. I get the same dialog. On my iPhone, I can only input numbers. Not sure what it wants.IMG_2395.png

img-2395.png (997.2 KiB)
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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·

After pressing the button for a few seconds the PIN will be reset to the default 000000.

You should change the PIN to something different. Maybe someone else connected to your devices and changed the PINs.

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