
PeterM avatar image
PeterM asked

Preventative maintenance 5 kVA Multi?

My 5 kVA Multi has just completed 5 years of excellent service and I was wondering if there is any preventative maintenance suggested - was thinking about dust build up on the heatsinks ? Fan replacement ? What is the MTBF of the fans?

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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jwfrary avatar image jwfrary commented ·

Following with interest and will be incorporating advice into our Planned Maintenance Systems.

At the Moment, (Marine Installs) Its monthly battery and connections checks.

Weekly VRM Data Inspection.

Yearly Cleaning of unit. Low pressure air in a can type stuff to remove dust and foreign matter.

The equipment is on a 10 Year Replacement program. Batteries on a 5 Year.

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