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5ers1 asked

Orion TR Smart 12/12/30 input voltage lock-out understanding how it should work

I just purchase Orion TR Smart 12/12/30 non-isolated. I am struggling with settings.

My car has eur6 alternator. I can not get my head around settings on Input voltage lock-out.
How should that work with Engine shut down detection?

I do understand that Engine shut down detection for example 13.1 - 13.3 will set the unit to start if the voltage goes above 13.3 and it will shut down if it drops below 13.1. Now the problem is, I can see on my main battery while the engine is running 11.8 voltage. Meaning maybe Engine shut down detection needs to be set differently, but if I set it up to 11.8 it will drain my battery. So I assume this is where Input voltage lock-out comes handy? But I can not get my head around how that should work and how it should be set.

Can someone explain to me in more details, please?

orion-tr smart
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1 Answer
randy-putnam avatar image
randy-putnam answered ·

Huh. I have a similar question but so far no response. I got a quicker answer about how to set the engine detection settings by going right to the source.

I have a feeling ”nobody knows nuttin’” on the community, when it comes to the Orion TR Smart DC-DC charger settings. Maybe we’ll get surprised!

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