
brentsinger avatar image
brentsinger asked

Charger (MPPT and/or Multi-plus) compatibility with Torqeedo 48V products

Hi, I'm building a largish battery for a Torqeedo Cruise 10 motor and have been told to keep voltage under 59V at all times or risk damage to the drive.

I have seen my multiplus 48/3000/35 surge past 65V when the battery BMS decides to terminate charge. This is a slow surge, looks like a slow loop response to a step change in load, and not flyback. I'm told that the MPPT chargers have a similar problem with over-shoot at termination and can damage the motor drives.

Has anyone had a compatibility and damage issue with Torqeedo products before? Are there Charger and MPPT products known to be compatible with Torqeedo 48V gear? Any help would be greatly appreciated, Thanks, Brent, GC, QLD, Australia.

Multiplus-IIMPPT Controllerscharger
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1 Answer
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

This could be the case when suddenly the BMS goes relay goes open circuit. ie when a BMS opens a relay on a 48v battery and high current charging is happening . so here is a POSSIABLE solutions, This is not supported by Victron energy

There is a Victron Product called a VE BMS unit (BMS300200000)


The unit is connected directly to the Multiplus units via the VE-BUS the bottom two connectors have 3 loops between them one for high voltage one for low voltage and one for temp (cable part number ASS030560100) These connections are normal closed. however if your BMS has a charge relay ie a 123smart BMS then if a cell goes high the BMS opens a relay and thus opening the High circuit causes the Multiplus to STOP charging and the same with the low circuit this will cause the multi to stop inverting. you have to also install some assistants in the Multiplus as well.

the product is NOT recommended by victron energy to be used this way and thus they will not give you support. however it does work well.

Now you must put a timer in so that the BMS battery relay wont open as soon as the bms tells it two for say a delay of 2 to 5 sec's thus allowing time for the inverters to shut down, before the main BMS relay opens.

This is just one idea there will be many others I am sure.

Two purchase links if thats of help

Link For the M8 Connection cables

Link For the BMS Unit below

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