
jkalous avatar image
jkalous asked

Parallel connection of Multiplus II, ESS, several houses to a common grid connection


I need help judge, whether this connection will work. The requirement is, no overflow of energy into the grid. The premise is that solar energy will only be transferred between houses.

Thank you in advance for the consultation


battery chargingmultiplus in parallel
cluster-house.jpg (647.2 KiB)
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4 Answers
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

In principle yes this will work,

However you would need to get it correctly designed and installed,

I would suggest that you see a Victron Installer in your area and design a system to suit what you are doing.

Ie you might be better off having a micro grid that connects one set of inverters to all the houses, as this maybe better than having one inverter per house, and then is it better to use DC Coupled or AC coupled, Systems, etc etc

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jkalous avatar image
jkalous answered ·

Thank you for answer,

I know this connection method is not in the Victron manual. Unfortunately, no Victron distributor in my area has experience with this connection, communication with the EM 24 energymeter via Ethernet is new from GX firmware 2.6. Due to the location of the house, it is not possible to use a single central set of inverters and batteries. At the same time, it will not be possible to divide appliances in houses into backup and non-backup. But thank you very much for your answer.

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hennie-mouton avatar image
hennie-mouton answered ·

Jkalous, did you implement this? I have a very similar implementation pending, so any tips would be appreciated.

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hennie-mouton avatar image
hennie-mouton answered ·

In case somebody still need a solution to this:
I have a similar setup with TWO plants only (call it A and B), and communication to the energy meter is not functioning, but is also not needed at this time.
So the solution used for now is to enable LAN MQTT on both Cerbo/CCGX, and also limit Feed-in and then monitor, from a PC running a shell script using mosquitto_sub (MQTT), the Grid power used by A, and then set with mosquitto_pub the Max Feed-In on B to be that value or slightly less, every 30 seconds or so.

In my case A never has excess sun power, but I guess it could be made to monitor and set both A and B and even a C if present. So if any one is pulling power from the grid, the other one's feed-in is a positive value, allowing that plant to export power to the micro grid, if it has any. A third plant would require other parameters, not only grid usage, to be monitored, in order to intelligently set Max Feed-In on the other two plants, I would think.

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