
ugrid avatar image
ugrid asked

Error Code 28 MPPT 160/60 Tr

I read two threads about the same error #28, but posting my question to ask an additional help. Following is my solar setup, it worked perfectly fine for few days. But it failed with MPPT error code #28, yesterday first time, as suggested in document I disconnected all the wires and then re-connected them again. It worked for few hours and failed again with same error code #28 today. Appreciate your help in advance.

1) How do I get a replacement? The from where I purchased all the devices said I should send it to Victron Energy directly. I am in Arizona, USA, can someone help me how do I return and get a replacement device?

2) Is there any further debugging or fix I can implement to make my setup work? It seems getting a replacement device will take couple of days to weeks.


MPPT Controllers
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1 Answer
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi @ugrid,

Sorry to hear about the trouble - please fill out this form and you should hear back from the distributor who is responsible for your warranty support -

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