
felixsteinbeis avatar image
felixsteinbeis asked

No fan inside Blue Smart IP22 Charger 12V 15A with one outlet???

Hi guys,

I have a new Blue Smart IP22 Charger 12V 15A with one outlet.

Inside my charger there is no fan installed. Is that correct?

I know that the fan should be installed at the middle of the unit (normaly you can see it from the bottom side) and not installed on the top side.

But in my unit, there is no fan.

Thanks a lot.

Many greetings

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1 Answer
felixsteinbeis avatar image
felixsteinbeis answered ·

I found the answer in the brand new online manual from September 14th 2020.

The models 12/15 and 24/08 are without fan.

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