
Ferdinand Mayr avatar image
Ferdinand Mayr asked

phoenix inverter flash sequence

Hello Guys,

i have customer reporting a failure of the victron phoenix inverter 12/1200 (the old one,none ve-direct), he cannot draw any power.
for now, i only have the flash sequence, however, i could not find this sequence in the table in the manual. also the bmv says: the battery is still at 70%.
the most important information for me is missing at the moment: i dont know the battery voltage at the time of failure. i would update it as soon as i get the info.

can any body help me to find the meaning of this flash sequence/ failure code:

green: blinking fast/ 2 times per second
red: blinking slow / 1 time per second

couldnt find any similar topic. thank you for your help in advance
sunny greetings, Ferdi

Phoenix Inverter
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1 Answer
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

Sure it is a old one without

In the Victron Toolkit app I can't find this code for the old ones but for the new ones.
The inverter has shut down due to low battery voltage.

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