
Pierre avatar image
Pierre asked

MPPT Damaged by installer, isn’t it protected?

20 days ago my accredited installer installed my PV panels, 2 x MPPT's a Quatro 8kva and batteries. The genset did not come in and the installer came and changed settings to see if he can fix, what he indicated before is installed correctly (screen of controller panel on genset stayed on). In the process he blew up my MPPT. What could be the reason, I thought teh fuses and breakers should protect teh system?

MPPT Controllers
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klim8skeptic avatar image klim8skeptic ♦ commented ·

20 days ago my accredited installer installed my PV panels, 2 x MPPT's a Quatro 8kva and batteries.

This is one sentence. It should be like 3 full paragraphs.., with component details..

If you have a problem, spell it out in short detailed sentences.

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2 Answers
davidq avatar image
davidq answered ·

Although the gen set may be on and working, not every generator works with the Victon inverter. I came across this the other day with a MultiPlus. It was a cheap gen set and the inverter did not work with it. I plugged in a Honda generator and after 30 seconds the inverter synchronised with it and started working. No idea about the MPPT. As stated above, more info required.

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Justin Cook avatar image
Justin Cook answered ·

Hi @smitfamily, welcome to the Community!

Fuses and breakers exist to protect the circuits, not specifically the devices attached to the circuits. Basically, a fuse or breaker is designed to blow/break before the wire that it's protecting melts - that is, so long as the fuse or breaker is sized appropriately, installed correctly, and is of a known brand with proven performance characteristics.

I've never seen an MPPT "blow up", though... particularly given that an MPPT should have precisely zero relation to a generator whatsoever, so it's difficult to imagine what might have happened - we'd love to see some photos of the installation and a lot more detail of what "the process" that you mention entailed!

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