
Doron Azulay avatar image
Doron Azulay asked

shutting down cerbo remotely ?

on my boat i have a multiplus 1600 , cerbo gx and a router linked to the cerbo, when i go away from my storage i leave my boat plugged in to 220v so the MP can charge

once that is done and i can see when it is on my android app, how can i shut everything down remotely ?

i know i can shut down MP but what about the cerbo + router, those drawing power all the time, like 1A , which in a few days will drain my batteries.

remote console
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1 Answer
bathnm avatar image
bathnm answered ·

Why not leave the MP on as it will provide a float charge that will support the loads of the Cerbo and anything else left on. I would consider putting something like a smart battery protect in between the battery and the Cerbo. This way if the MultiPlus does get disconnected from mains you can set the battery protect to switch of at a given voltage so the battery is not drained.

Note that I suspect with a remote switch off of the MP it will still draw a small current, maybe .1A or so as parts of it is still on unless you switch it off on its physical on/off switch.

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