
Trung avatar image
Trung asked

How to add MPPT to VRM

Hi there..

Something went wrong with my MPPT/RPi/VRM recently (2 days ago) and it stopped logging data - possible because I was on Venus OS V2.58. The VRM screen is frozen and I was not able to do much (unable to delete installation from frozen screen - so I decided to start all over again.

I am also trying to install V2.60 back on my RPi and start the logging process again and putting everything back on the VRM. However, when I go to add my MPPT to the VRM, the option is not there...(only those below) Can anyone help/assist?

Many thanks

MPPT ControllersVRM
1603620938643.png (36.8 KiB)
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2 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

A MPPT can't be added to the VRM directly. You can only add the rPi with Venus OS.
You have to connect the MPPT to your rPi and the MPPT should shown in the device list.

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Trung avatar image
Trung answered ·

@Matthias Lange - DE

Yes, this has changed since the last time I was on VRM. I found an earlier listing on the same issue as well as the answer. All back to normal now I hope...

Many thanks anyway.

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