
Stefan Lay avatar image
Stefan Lay asked

Cerbo GX : Temperature sensors on Dashboard possible?

Helllichten, I m looking for a way to show the Temperatur und the boat/ RV Dashboard instead or mixed with the tank sensors which I don’t have so far. Is there any way??

cerbo gx
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vincefarrar avatar image vincefarrar commented ·

Me too, a very important feature if you want to use the sensors to monitor anything important like, engine cooling water.

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4 Answers
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

these are just analogue or digital inputs on the GX device.

what they are called really makes no difference they are still just sensor inputs so they also could be used for anything and they can also be renamed. but in services if you turn on the temperature sensor 1 then the below appears

So it should then appear on the screen with the correct setting being done


1607756293651.png (26.5 KiB)
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bathnm avatar image
bathnm answered ·

The only way to do this is to modify the code that drives the page. However if you do this and update, the changes will be lost and need re-applying. You also need some unix and QML experience to make the changes.

The only other option is to wait for Victron to maybe add it as a feature.

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Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

Test it now and see if it now displays, as there was a issue for thanks showing on the VRM and maybe this is also been addressed at the same time

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rlynch03 avatar image
rlynch03 answered ·

This would be nice but doesn't show up currently.

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