
h-m-heating avatar image
h-m-heating asked

Multiplus shuts down when plugged into GX

We have two Multiplus 24/5000 Master and Slave setup both Inverters are running 26xxxxx firmware, we just installed a Venus GX and as soon as we plug in the Multiplus Inverter to the GX the Inverter shuts down, we have left everything else unplugged for the purpose of diagnostics, I can see that other people have had this problem but I can't see what they have done to resolve the problem, I have tried different cables to see if I had a faulty cable, has anybody got a solution to this problem please?

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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seb71 avatar image seb71 commented ·

"both Inverters are running 26xxxxx firmware"

The firmware version is indicated by the last 3 digits from that number.

The first four digits are designating the product ( first two digits - "26" in your case - indicate the family of products it belongs to and the next two digits designate a specific model from that family of products).

So you might or might not have the same firmware on both inverters.

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3 Answers
h-m-heating avatar image
h-m-heating answered ·

I updated the Firmware on the Multiplus to the latest version now the GX and Multiplus OK.

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

Is the Multi available in the device list on the Venus?
Have you tried to turn the Multi ON/OFF via the Venus?

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and: double check if you used the correct socket on the GX unit, if you plug it into the ethernet port it will also shut-down.

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h-m-heating avatar image
h-m-heating answered ·

I upgraded the Firmware and it is OK now.

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