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ers asked

Orion-Tr Smart 12-12 reversing input with output

hello, i have 12-12 orion smart and i use it to charge battery bank 1 from battery bank 2. sometimes i need to charge bank2 from bank1 as well. what currently i have to do is switch the input and output cables and adjust settings. what would he the easier way of doing this ? external switches ? can it be done by mobile app like direction setting ? any other options ? its painful to arrange cables of input/output everytime i need to do it.

orion-tr smart
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1 Answer
klim8skeptic avatar image
klim8skeptic answered ·

Anderson plugs?

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ers avatar image ers commented ·

could be used for sure, but would prefer something easier like a switch solution or software if possible. if software not possible best would be switch like the ones to select generator or shore power kind of.. not sure how it needs to be wired though

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