
doug-morford avatar image
doug-morford asked

120V Smart IP43 Charger?

I would really like to know if the smart IP43 charger is planned to come out in a 120V version.

I have a smartsolar, BMV, and Raspberry Pi on my RV, and I now need to replace the old shore charger. It looks like my only options are the Skylla-IP44, standard Phoenix, Centaur, or the Multiplus. These are all more charger than I need, not to mention I'm not entirely sure they would work on the Pi.


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4 Answers
eric-f avatar image
eric-f answered ·

The 120-240VAC model is now listed on the product page. My Victron retailer also shows it as available. Finally.

Phoenix Smart IP43 Charger 120-240V Data Sheet

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doug-morford avatar image
doug-morford answered ·

If nobody knows, perhaps some guidance on how I could find out?

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bathnm avatar image bathnm commented ·

I would talk to your local dealer. I asked a similar question a long while back nd still have not heard of anything.

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thorvald avatar image
thorvald answered ·

The main product page shows a picture of a unit that can handle "90-265V" as the input. However the datasheet does not list this model.

I've emailed Victron Sales to find out if this is a new upcoming device.

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bathnm avatar image
bathnm answered ·

Victron are working on universal AC based update to the IP43 charger. No idea when it will be released and or formally announced, but would image it is soon. We just need to be patient.

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