
stevomyatt avatar image
stevomyatt asked

Load Disconnect with Cerbo GX


I'm looking to use a Cerbo GX with a battery with inbuilt BMS. I understand that the battery BMS logic will pass through the Cerbo and essentially disable the connected inverter from discharging when required on low SOC. How can DC loads also be disconnected in this instance when they are supplied via a Smart Battery Protect or Orion?

One option I have thought of is setting up one of the relay outputs on the Cerbo as generator start/stop dependant on low SOC, and wiring this to the control input on the Smart Battery Protect/Orion.

Any other ideas would be appreciated.

cerbo gxBMS
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1 Answer
Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi @stevomyatt

That's a good idea, only thing is that a BMS also disables discharge when there is a failure in the battery somehow, so keep in mind you don't protect in every case.

what brand / type of battery do you have? some also have charge / discharge enable outputs.

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stevomyatt avatar image stevomyatt commented ·

Thanks @Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) for your reply. Good point about the other battery failure modes. I'll contact the battery manufacture to confirm how this is covered. I'm looking to use either a Dyness B4850 or Pylontech US2000, both of which have change over contacts available on the battery but no documentation explaining how they are configured.

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sebcbien avatar image sebcbien stevomyatt commented ·

hello, interested by how you did at the end.

I found some solutions but maybe there is a nicer one.

I've bought a Pylontech batt and charging with multiplus II, SmartMPPT and DC_DC from alternator.

Discharging trough the multiplus and one orion 48/24

Thanks a lot

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