Dear everyone,
Firsly my system.
PV system 5600Wc, Multiplus 5000/48, MPPT 150/100 and CCGX. 2 banks of 4 batteries Vitron AGM for a total 48 volts 460 Ah.
During the day I haven't problems, with capacity of batterie, sun power and the power of the multiplus ...
But when the night arrived, with a mean consuption of 600W AC, I can't stay on the batteries. I need at 50% of SOC to connect to grid to recharge batteries. During this process, I charge my batterie and give AC out. A lot of power which is expensive. This power consumpted is more important that a normal comsuption whitou charge (4500w during 3 hours is more important that 600w during 10h).
I would like when the soc is 50% that the multiplus connect to the grid only to forward AC curent to the grid where the AC consuption without charge batterie. When the sun arrived, the MPPT charge the batterie and when the sun power is adapted, the multiplus disconnect to the grid and invert from the batterie to the AC out.
The probleme is my capacity is not enought and if I use only 50% of soc I can't stay the night.
Before I didn't use the 50% of soc but only the minimum batterie voltage at 46 volts. Maybe 46 volts is very too low, is under 50% of the capacity ...
Do you know how I can do this ?