
Erik avatar image
Erik asked

Venus GX Relay 2 output control


Why is Victron implementing a relay into the Venus that is only controllable manually. Implementing SOC control for a relay in software should be no big issue. Venus OX 2.60 still does not provide this. Manual relay control is much easier by installing a hardwired switch. No need to open a APP, browse to relay function to activate.

When is SOC relay control coming? This feature would be ideal for load management, etc.

It is also recommended that simple SOC control (not Gen/Start stop) should be an option for relay 1. i.e Switch on at 90% and switch off at 75% ( function should be either NO or NC)

Venus OS
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1 Answer
Mark avatar image
Mark answered ·

It's still WIP and not officially released yet, but if you are keen check out

With NodeRED intetegrated you can setup whatever logic is desired (based on any available inputs), from something simple to very complex control logic.

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