
freesurfer avatar image
freesurfer asked

What's needed to configure PowerControl and PowerAssist on Multiplus II?

I have ordered a Multiplus II 48/3000/35-32. It does not have the GX panel, it's just the simple inverter with the LED indicators. It is going to be used in an off-grid cabin with a 48V battery bank with solar panels. I also have a Honda EU20i (1600W) generator which I want to use use for backup charging when needed.

However, as the Multiplus II charger can draw close to 1700W when charging at full rate on its own, and also passes through AC from the generator to the loads, it can easilly overload the generator unless the correct limits are in place. So I need to set up PowerControl and PowerAssist correctly to do this.

I can mention that the loads in the cabin probably won't ever exceed 1600W so I probably don't specifically need the "PowerAssist" feature, but it doesn't hurt to enable it. All I need is to limit the draw from the generator.

But I find very conflicting info about what is needed to set this up. Can this be done with the MK3 USB adapter and the PC software? Or does it need one of those fancy GX units or control panels to handle it? I don't need any panel to change or monitor settings "on the fly", I just need to set it up once and leave it as is.

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2 Answers
Rob Duthie avatar image
Rob Duthie answered ·

Yes you can preset with the MK3 device the setting for gen start and add assist etc.


Rob D


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freesurfer avatar image freesurfer commented ·

Thanks for the info.

But before I order one, I want to ask the opposite question as well and that is if this MUST be done with an MK3 specifically, or if the USB MK3 adapter is just some kind of UART, RS232, RS485 serial adapter so I can use any compatible adapter as long as the pinout for the RJ45 connection is correct. I see that the device USB MK3 device identifies as a COM-port on the PC it is connected to.

I know victron states that the MK3 USB cable is galvanically isolated, which other adapter may or may not be, but if it can save me about 80 euro I am sure I can take the right precautions (floating laptop on battery) if this only has to be set up once. I may have some RS485 adapter at work.

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Rob Duthie avatar image Rob Duthie freesurfer commented ·


Its more than that, it does have a micro controller in it which has Victrons own protocols etc controlling how the MK3 interrogates with there inverter etc.

Just use the MK3 device, it works very well as it is designed to, as i use one all the time for programming of there inverters etc.


Rob D


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wkirby avatar image wkirby ♦♦ freesurfer commented ·

VE.Bus uses RS485 as the transport topology. VE.Bus its self is a proprietry protocol. There is firmware running on a microcontroller inside the MK3 adapter which does the translations.
The MK3 adapter really is more than just an isolated RS485 - RS232 converter.

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freesurfer avatar image freesurfer wkirby ♦♦ commented ·

Thanks for your responses, wkirby and Rob. That sums it up very well. I'll go ahead and order one now.

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freesurfer avatar image
freesurfer answered ·

I noticed that there are 2 different types of USB cables. The mentioned MK3 cable, and a cheaper "Victron VE.Direct - USB Interface" cable. The latter says "for connecting a PC to victron devices with a 4-pin VE.Direct connection"

Can that one also be used with the MultiPlus II? I can also mention that I am planning to get a victron MPPT controller, so it could be nice with an adapter that lets me fiddle around with both.

I know that the different victron devices can be set up to communicate with each other and programmed to behave differently depending on various parameters like battery state-of-charge and so on. it could be nice to connect them together. But does that need a "GX control", or can I connect them directly and set up all the features with just the PC software?

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·

No, to configure the Multi you need the MK3.

And no you can't connect devices together, for that you will need a GX device.

You can setup a Smart network to sync battery voltage and temperature.

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