
petajoule avatar image
petajoule asked

VRM feature request: save view in advanced page

Sooner or later one has the "perfect advanced view configuration" when monitoring an installation. Unfortunately, when a problem in that installation occurs (as we suddenly experience with a generator integration), during analysis and scanning the logs/graphs you completely mess up that nice view, because other things need to be focused on, zoomed in, scaled, etc.

It would be quite nice, if one could save an "advanced view" configuration and return to that after having messed it up during said analysis. Kind of snapshot.

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1 Answer
Teun Lassche avatar image
Teun Lassche answered ·

Hi @PetaJoule,

Thanks! I've made a note of your suggestion, can't promise you anything right now but just wanted to let you know that I've seen your post and appreciate the suggestion

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