
hex123 avatar image
hex123 asked

12v to 24v 70a dc-dc converter can this be left on all the time?

My camper has 24v batteries and 24v inverter. Could I run a 24v/12v70a dc to dc converter to run lights / heater and water pump (all 12v) I would need it to be on 24/7 as my heater trips in and out. Also does it consume power when no items are being used.


Orion DC-DC Converters not smart
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1 Answer
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

Yes, it can run 24/7.
It consumes a small amount of power when not being used. Less than 20mA or less that 0.48W when idle.

You have reminded me that I have a smaller 24V - 12V unit running for 5 years straight, I had forgotten that it was there.

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