Sadly, I realized after buying it, that the SmartSolar 100/50 has no load output. But I see the signal "LOAD" in it's serial output, although it's not supposed to be there (see foot note 5 on page 5 of VE.Direct Protocol 3.28).
But I can't see it switching, it seems always on. It would be really nice, to have the signal switching after the same algorithm as the real load outputs of the smaller models do. So one could use this signal for own purposes.
In my case, the MPPT is connected to my sensor/logger/actuator system in my caravan and I could easily switch my AES fridge's 12VDC mode on/off by my main controller. The signal from the MPPT to know when to do so came in very handy.
I could reprogram the algorithm, but I think, the MPPT knows better when solar power is spare. And the routines are already there, since the ones with the load output use the same firmware as the ones without and they have a virtual load output via TX pin. But I need this TX pin for communication.
In case I missed something I'd appreciate any hints. Also, in case my feature request will never be implemented, any hints on how to reprogram the BatteryLife algorithm?