I know this question has already been asked before (https://community.victronenergy.com/questions/35671/can-the-ccgx-connect-to-a-hidden-wifi-network.html), but the answer was uncertain and still not ideal.
Our network is segregated into multiple VLANs to help isolate devices and allow the firewall to route the traffic. In particular, we have a specific VLAN for IoT devices that require WAN (i.e. Internet) access. I would like to hide that SSID, however the CCGX can only connect to visible SSIDs - I don't have another GX-family device to test, but it may apply to those too.
The answer provided in the previous question was to try making the SSID visible, connecting the CCGX and then hiding the SSID again.
- Does this actually work?
- Are there any impacts of this, for example if the WiFi disappears and reappears, will the CCGX's ability to reconnect be impeded?
- Will the CCGX still be able to roam between multiple APs (i.e. BSSIDs) with the same SSID if the SSID is hidden?
The rationale given for not offering connection to hidden SSIDs was that the user experience to enter an SSID manually would be cumbersome. Agreed, but it's no worse than entering a long, complex password which needs doing anyway!
I wasn't sure where best to submit a feature request, hence I'm putting it here. Even if the workaround above does work fine, I still think there is a valid need to manually input a WiFi SSID and password to allow for the use of hidden SSIDs.