
cryingzombie avatar image
cryingzombie asked

75/10 stops charging

I'm having a problem with 2 solar change controllers. I have 2 75/10 and each one is in its own shed. And both stop charging

The batteries are dropping to 11v before I noticed

Both say PV voltage is 21 volts and both go into balk mode but both show 0 amps.

Each one is changing a 12v 100 AH battery

I have to unplug and replug both the PV and battery in order to get it going again.

I would appreciate any help. I have been searching for 2 days for a solution and now I need to ask for help now

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·


What batteries do you have and how old are they?

If they are lead based they may be dead.

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1 Answer
cryingzombie avatar image
cryingzombie answered ·

looks like my problem is related to temperature. I put a thermometer in the shed and when it said it was 108f i realised my mistake. I had to cut down some diseased trees right next to the shed that was providing shade. as the day cools off the charges start working again. i will look into venting my sheds

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