
jacc avatar image
jacc asked

When Current Control in Orion Smart DC-DC 12/12 30? Screen Display Says Now.

In Power Supply Mode, the screen displays "Output voltage is kept constant and current limited to the configured values on the settings page". But it's not there at this time.

The Orion is great with alternators (smart and dumb), but there are a number of other uses where current control is important. In my case, I have a relay to switch the Orion between the truck alternator (battery) and an AGM only 30A Iota converter/charger. At 13.2 V output, the Iota is not suitable for lithium batteries and with the Orion drawing as much as 35 A, this overloads the Iota.

Others have wire size issues. Wire is cheap, pulling it is expensive, so wire upgrade are often delayed.

With smart alternators the norm, the Orion really needs current control sooner than later.

orion-tr smart
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1 Answer
banjoisland avatar image
banjoisland answered ·

I would also like this feature.

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