
Ebrahim Railoun avatar image
Ebrahim Railoun asked

(512) Alarm Error not Clearing on Portal

Good Day - Alarm Errors not Clearing on Portal.

System is Stable & Alarms have been Cleared on CCGX - 2 below - Blue Nova Batteries

- Guy Stewart edit - please read the community guidelines and do not @ victron without first giving the community an opportunity to answer. If you need urgent support please visit -

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1 Answer
PeterM avatar image
PeterM answered ·

The BMV has its own low voltage settings, check low voltage relay setting and the clear voltage relay setting on the BMV as well as low voltage and clear voltage settings on BMV

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Ebrahim Railoun avatar image Ebrahim Railoun commented ·

Hi, Thank you for the Reply. System does not have a BMV. Blue Nova battery with via Can Bus. ( Internal BMS in Battery )

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