
rjenningsuk avatar image
rjenningsuk asked

SmartSolar 100/20 Low voltage cutoff not working

I have read the other posts on here with similar issues where they had the Rx not set to Load Output Configuration or haven't removed the jumper pin from the VE Direct port. However none of these are the case in my situation. Street light is also turned off. I'm seeing a lot of people having this issue. Is this Victron trying to get people to buy battery protectors and spend more cash?

I have the voltage set to off < 12.20v & on > 12.60v but the voltage has been sat at below 12.20v now for the last 20minutes + and the Load Output is still in the On state. Pictures attached below.

This also happened on a 75/15 I had before I upgraded to this one.

Any ideas?

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1 Answer
rjenningsuk avatar image
rjenningsuk answered ·

To further add to this. The trigger for the State turning back ON seems to be fine. I changed the load to off, then changed the user algorithm to turn on the load when above 12.2 then switch it back to user alg. After 2 minutes the load turned back on.

However now I'm sat here 15minutes later and the load has been under 12.2 for most of that time and it still hasn't turned OFF. So I think there's a bug in the software causing this in the OFF direction.

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