
glenn-matthiesen avatar image
glenn-matthiesen asked

Installing a Smart BatteryProtect SBP-220 within a Multiplus 3000/24/120/70 system?

I am considering installing a Smart BatteryProtect SBP-220 in my Multiplus 3000/24/120/70 system to protect my 24V/250AH battery bank. The SBP-220 installation manual has an illustration of a typical install between an inverter and the battery. My question is, how is the SBP-220 installed between a multiplus and the battery bank given that the SBP220 does not accept charge current?

orion-tr smart
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2 Answers
Justin Cook avatar image
Justin Cook answered ·

@Glenn Matthiesen, you must not install a BatteryProtect as described, this is an expressly forbidden connection in several different ways; you'll note that the diagram you describe does not show the BatteryProtect directly disconnecting the main DC line of the inverter but rather triggering a remote signal wire to the shown inverter's remote port; this is only possible with the smaller Phoenix inverters and some 3rd-party inverters with remote ports, not the MultiPlus.

Instead, set the programmable low-voltage shutdown threshold of the MultiPlus itself to your desired shutdown voltage.

This should be done with an MK3-USB Interface and a computer running the desktop version of VictronConnect, as detailed in this manual. For further assistance, please reach out to the authorized Victron dealer or distributor from whom you purchased the MultiPlus and they'll be able to walk you through the procedure

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habi avatar image habi commented ·

Hello Justin,

thank you for this good answer, i have had the same question / issue for my upcoming system.

unfortunately your link "VictronConnect, as detailed in this manual." does not lead anywhere (anymore?). Could you maybe repost the link to that manual?

thanks in advance :)

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Justin Cook avatar image Justin Cook ♦♦ habi commented ·

Hi @habi, welcome to the Community! It appears that some site reorganization has been happening, so some of the old links are broken now. Here is the (current) link:

For future reference, as well, all user manuals -including for VictronConnect- can be found here:

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habi avatar image habi Justin Cook ♦♦ commented ·

Hello Justin, thanks a lot!!

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glenn-matthiesen avatar image
glenn-matthiesen answered ·

Thank you for your informative answer Justin. Just what I was looking for! I was hoping the Multiplus had such a programable setting. I scanned the Multiplus manual today but couldn't find anything on this particular parameter. I have and am familiar with the Victron Connect PC program and MK3-USB interface. I'll have a look in the VictronConnect interface. Thank you for your help.



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