
laurenceh avatar image
laurenceh asked

Experience with upgrading Rpi to VenusOS 2.60 ?

This started as a post about an unexpected upgrade but that was answered, so this is now about my experience in upgrading my Rpi to Venus OS 2.60

I am running on an Rpi (should not make a difference).

I have my downloads set to:

Auto Update: Check only
Update Feed: Latest release (not latest releases candidate)

On Friday my system said there was a new version - I did a manual check and it said 2.60.

So guessing that 2.60 had been released I installed it, and ran all my scripts to reinstall the services and UI I have written. All looked good.

The new version running says it is 2.60 date and time 20200906 135923

But it would appear not to be a final release:

a) because there there does not appear to have been any announcement

b) It appears to not be complete - notably the custom tank level sensor settings are not working.

(selecting custom flashed the button on custom and then reverts on a second or two to whatever was previously set)

So the question is what did my system download and install, and why ?

Venus OSfirmware update
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6 Answers
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

v2.60 official release was officially announced on the 7th of September 2020.

My clean RaspberryPi install (no custom scripts or anything like that) doen't have anaglog inputs enabled, so I can't comment on those inputs, maybe someone else can help with that.

My Beaglebone based device with tank inputs working well, all customisable.

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laurenceh avatar image laurenceh commented ·

Thanks. I was just monitoring the Community pages I had not spotted the blog.

Right: got it all working so here are my notes - does someone want to move this to the modifications space?

After upgrading to Venus 2.6 on a Venus OS Rpi 3B+

Step 1

opkg update
opkg install dbus-adc

Will install dbus-adc 1.27

Step 2

After the upgrade to 2.6 I seemed to have a file at /var/log/dbus-adc which was preventing logging so I moved it and made a directory - this enabled the service to create logs.

cd /var/log
rm dbus-adc
mkdir dbus-adc


The instructions for the dbus-adc.conf file may not be clear.

Here is my file which worked:

device iio:device0
vref 1.8
scale 4095
tank 2
tank 4
tank 6
temp 3
temp 5

Step 4

You can stop and restart the service:

svc -d /service/dbus-adc
svc -u /service/dbus-adc

But it appears a reboot is needed for the Console interface to keep up.

Step 5

I had to modify some of my UI

Temperature outputs have changed and no longer include the _id01 suffix

GPS Dbus services have changed on my system they are now:


As noted elsewhere, the extra suffix is to allow NMEA GPS devices to be added to the DBUS.

Frankly once I worked out the dbus-adc upgrade. the Upgrade to 2.60 was fairly easy.

To do

1) I can ditch my old Temperature services on the extra ADC inputs as Venus 2.6 should now drive these.

2) I need to update my own i2c Temperature and humidity services (and the CPU temperature service) to support the custom name parameter.

I'm looking forward to having this all running on my narrowboat.

Also ....

I have designed and built the small inline interface between MCS (voltage level 4.5-8.5v) tank senders and the HAT circuit resistance interface so I can now those running as well.

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Duncan Hall avatar image
Duncan Hall answered ·

Please advise where the dbus-adc.conf file is located.

I have tried using

but this sets CPU temperature but wont read adc. even when I un-comment what I think to be the correct lines

I copied dbus-i2c directory on to a usb data stick and copied using a script with the commands

cp -r /run/media/sda1/dbus-i2c /opt/victronenergy/dbus-i2c

ln -s /opt/victronenergy/dbus-i2c/service /service/dbus-i2c

It works on 2.71 but cannot read the datastick on 2.66!

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Duncan Hall avatar image
Duncan Hall answered ·

In 2.66

  1. opkg update
  2. opkg install dbus-adc

does not load dbus-adc packages anymore.

I wonder if this is why the ADCs do not work on V2.71?

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jeroend avatar image
jeroend answered ·

@Duncan Hall

ADC works out of the box on 2.71 (version 1.32)
all 8 outputs of the MCP3208 can be configure to either tank or temp.
Do you have the linefeed character at the end of your dbus-adc.conf file?

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Rob Duthie avatar image
Rob Duthie answered ·

Put this data into the dbus-adc.conf file to use all the ADC ports 4x tank and 4x temp

device iio:device0

vref 1.8

scale 4095

tank 0

tank 1

tank 2

tank 3

temp 4

temp 5

temp 6

temp 7

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Duncan Hall avatar image
Duncan Hall answered ·

On 2.85 the dbus-adc.conf file is read only

Can anyone advise how I can change this so that I can populate the file.

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