
Michael Schmidt avatar image
Michael Schmidt asked

Multiplus 12/3000 two signal BMS


I have Multiplus 12/3000 configured as ESS with two signal BMS.

But if connecting the second BMS Signal to v-Sense an Error appears (voltage sense error)
Is it neccessary to configure V-Sense as BMS in?

in VE Configure the ESS is configured with two signal BMS.

Thanks in advance

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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1 Answer
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

V-Sense can't be used for the BMS input.
You only can use T-sense and AUX1/AUX2 for that, but you should have seen this during the configuration of the ESS assistant because you have to select which input you want to use for which signal.

Hint: With some gid codes AUX1 is used as a "disable FeedIn signal" but this can be disabled.

aux1-feedin.png (65.4 KiB)
ess2bms.png (10.3 KiB)
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