
wcclarke avatar image
wcclarke asked

Solar charge controller operation in ESS during grid failure

I was hoping to understand the operation of a MPPT solar charge controller in a system with ESS a bit better. I am specifically interested in the behavior during a grid failure. When the grid fails and the Multi/Quattro switches to inverter mode, does the CCGX maintain control of the charge controller, or does it switch back to its basic mode of operation (ie. charging the battery based on a local voltage measurement, not a signal from the CCGX)? This is of interest to me as we are currently designing a system in which the charge controller is used for different task during a grid failure.

MPPT ControllersESS
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1 Answer
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

In ESS, the Multi/CCGX maintains control of the MPPT. Even during a grid outage.

This is implied, though not explicitly answered in Q7 of the ESS FAQ:

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