
mcunder avatar image
mcunder asked

low volt /SOC shows 96%

Have 2 6v 220 aph with 712 smart monitor and 2000 watt aims inverter. 2 /160 watt solar panels (320 watts)

New trailer owner. (Used 2018 Lance 1685)Tested hair dryer (1845 watts). Estimated it would pull 150 amps

within a few mins got low voltage warning. dropped to 11.7 however SOC was in the 90’s %.

Once i shut down inverter , SOC went from 96% to 98%. Volts back to 13 plus within an hour

I am little confused. I checked history and aph max has been 56.

Do I have a battery issue or 150 amps with my house batteries capacity puts a huge stress?


BMV Battery Monitor
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1 Answer
klim8skeptic avatar image
klim8skeptic answered ·

Discharge rate too high..

What model/brand batteries?

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