
luckysilver avatar image
luckysilver asked

Phoenix Smart IP43 Charger display or remote control?


My father have bought a Phoenix Smart IP43 charger (24v/25a/3) and mounted it in the engine room. As the shore-power sometimes are a bit unstable, and the charger wont always turn on again after a power outage, he would like to have some sort of indicator that shows if the charger is working. Either just a light, or a remote control with lights, like he used to have on his old Skylla-TG charger. He has the app on his phone, but doesn´t like to use it for some reason... The lokal distributer says this does not exist, but I thought I would ask you guys anyway.
Thank you in advance for any help.

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1 Answer
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

You can use the relay contacts to close when the charger is charging. Set relay mode to "Charging". You need to use the VictronConnect app to set this.
Then use the relay contacts to complete a circuit to turn a lamp on.

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luckysilver avatar image luckysilver commented ·

Thank you kindly, this helps a lot.

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