I realized I posted this under questions instead of here... My bad.
I have seen a few people comment on this before, or mainly how the smoothing affects their view of the data. I myself have seen this but it doesn't bother me as much, but what would be fantastic to see is a maximum demand section, a simple table which has all the maximums in it, Ideally instantaneous maximums as well as an averaged maximum (1 min, 5 min, 15 min... ), but not smoothed out maximums (don't know if this is a thing, but the smoothed out graph has a very different maximum to the zoomed-in graph although I have seen this has gotten better lately, Thanks developers :) ). I'm not sure if something like that is possible but I am sure many individuals would appreciate it.
From what I read many individuals want to view how their system is working, and a table of this type would improve the user experience 10 fold, obviously, this table can include other things, the basic items I think people would want to see is kWh consumed/exported in the selected time period and maybe some counters (number of power assist operations in the period, number of generator starts... )
Regards Ewald