
djgodden avatar image
djgodden asked

Is My SmartSolar 100/50 charging my 2 BattleBorn?

System information:

1. Solar panes: 4x Renogy 100w Monocrystalline 12v

2. Charge Controller: SmartSolar 100/50 HQ200749H2F

3. Batteries: 2x BattleBorn 100ah

4, SmartBVM-712 HQ18311A5DL

I just upgraded my system with BB Lithium, that required changing the charge controller and the converter. The controller and BVM were setup per BattleBorn directions. My problem is this. If I turn on my converter the batteries charge. If I rely solely on solar, it appears they do not. Voltage from the panels is ~20.11V. I left the converter off all day and expected the batteries to be charging from solar. Here is what I'm seeing from both. There are 3x 12v fans on. The history from the SmartSolar shows some charging, but it seems very little and it appears to stay FLOAT most of the time. Is this all normal or is something wrong here?

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2 Answers
rickp avatar image
rickp answered ·

From what I see on the both screens, your batteries are not significantly discharged. It really depends on whether or not those readings and charge behaviors match what you have the controller set to do.

Battle Born staff are good at walking you through these things, and can tell you if the screen info you are seeing is correct for the settings they provided.

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klim8skeptic avatar image
klim8skeptic answered ·

Battery voltage minimum for the day 0.0v.

You have a blown fuse/open circuit breaker.

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