
Michael Schmidt avatar image
Michael Schmidt asked

Rpi 3b+ with Touchscreen Dimming and Display off not working


i use an RPI 3b+ with the original 7" Rpi display.

after following this instruction:

###### Add Venus configurables for backlight and display blanking ######
#Display brightness configurable
echo '/sys/class/backlight/rpi_backlight' >/etc/venus/backlight_device

#Display blanking configurable
echo '/sys/class/backlight/rpi_backlight/bl_power'  >/etc/venus/blank_display_device

i have the menu points "Time to display off" ans "Dimmin bar" in my Venus OS.

But both is not working?

Are there maybe additional steps to get this working?

Venus OSRaspberry Pi
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1 Answer
powerace avatar image
powerace answered ·

Hi Michael,

I ran into the same problem but i've got it fixed now. Please read here:

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Michael Schmidt avatar image Michael Schmidt commented ·

Thanks !!!

This was the solution

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