
mariopuzo avatar image
mariopuzo asked

Quattro 48/10000 buzzing

Hi All,

I have recently upgraded from a Quattro 5000 with %kwh Freedom Won battery to a Quattro 10000 with 15KWh Freedom lithium battery.

Problem is the 10000 on normal running with minimal load of 100watts is making a buzz constantly. Is this normal? the 5000 never used to make this noise unless under load.Please help.


MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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1 Answer
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

Hi Mario, thats a bit of a open question,

I presume the quattro is second hand .

Much more Info would be required to give a fully correct answer.

How load is the BUZZING

is it a relay buzzing buzzing noise

is it a Transformer buzzing noise

Maybe its in AES mode

A recording of the noise and some screen shots of all the settings. if you have a CCXG or venus unit then some screen shots of that as well.

As much information as you can send

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