
tossa-fan avatar image
tossa-fan asked

Small solar system ongrid configuration


I am totally new to this matter. I want to install a small solar system with a battery and feed my house grid with the generated power.

I am thinking of using 2x 320Wp panel with 2x MPPT BlueSolar 75/15, a battery (unsure which size), and an inverter - maybe Phoenix 24/250 230V

And to monitor all that stuff I would need a device which is able to handle 3 devices - so I would need a Cerbo GX?

Maybe someone with better knowledge can have a quick look and advice me.

Thank you, Jorge

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2 Answers
ejrossouw avatar image
ejrossouw answered ·

Hi @tossa-fan To have a grid parallel connection you will require a multiplus and run an ESS assistant. You did not mention the loads you want to power, how long, battery type or size, but with 500W (smallest multi), you will probably only power some lights, a small tv, laptop maybe and charge some phones? Get your requirements right before you look at sizing the system.

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tossa-fan avatar image
tossa-fan answered ·


maybe I did not express myself good enough. I have a grid connection where my supplier supplies me with electricity. Now I want to connect to this grid the small solar system. In case no load is on the grid the solar power should be injected back to my electricity supplier. In case there is load on the grid I assume the devices will first use solar power and get the rest out of the grid.

Is this a wrong thought?

Regarding battery power: I do not know how to size it to be able to use all solar power that is being generated. That is my aim.

Regards, Jorge

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ejrossouw avatar image ejrossouw commented ·

Do I understand correctly you want a standalone solution that is not actually connected to your household loads directly, but you can run e.g. an extension lead off to maybe power a light or two? What do you want to power?

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