
grapar avatar image
grapar asked

IP22 Charger factory reset

Hi, I've just plugged my new IP22 12/30 (3) in for the first time, I connected to it via bluetooth and started the firmware update, it stopped at 13% with an error. Almost all lights are now flashing and I can no longer connect to it via bluetooth, I have disconnected it from 240v/Mains and reconnected with no change to the flashing lights.

Is there a method to factory reset it?

Thanks in advance. Grant.

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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2 Answers
Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff) avatar image
Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff) answered ·

Hi Grant,

The charger currently does not have any firmware and needs to have firmware loaded before it will function. This is normally possible and done with VictronConnect, but apparently you run into problems with this, so here a few questions:

Is the charger still visible in VictronConnect?

If it is visible, when you try to connect, at what connecting percentage does it stop?
Can you perhaps make a service report after trying to connect and post it here? The following link describes how to make a service report:

If it is not visible, can you remove the pairing information from the phone and then scan again in VictronConnect (using the orange circle)? The following link describes how to remove pairing information:

Do you perhaps have a second phone available to run VictronConnect on and can you connect and update the firmware using that phone?

Kind regards,

Thiemo van Engelen

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grapar avatar image
grapar answered ·

Thanks for your help Thiemo.

I ended up placing the phone on the charger and eventually it completed the upload.


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