The questions:
a/ how do I make the Smart Battery Sense work with the MPPT 100/20?
b/ how do I make the VictronConnect go back to English?
I installed Smart Solar Charger MPPT 100/20 and Smart Battery Sense. First, the solar output was tiny, less than 2A , and the Battery Sense was blinking blue, indicating it was not connected to the MPPT 100/20. The Battery sense device was at a battery only 3 ft away from the MPPT100/20. To find out what was happening I tried to connect my Android devices, but I found in the manuals my Galaxy Note3 phone and Galaxy TabS2 are listed as not compatible with Victron Connect application. So I bought VE.Direct to USB adapter cable and plugged into my Windows 10 laptop. With the VictronConnect app installed, I was able to change some settings on the MPPT 100/20, but I expected to see something about the Battery Sense device.
Unrelated to my question here, at first I was seeing 35 to 38V coming in from the PVs, but only fraction of an amp drawn. The 12.8 V output was at most 3A and hunting, usually under an 1A. Miraculously, the next morning the output slowly rose to the values I was used to with the BlueSky 2000 controller I took out. It woke up?
Back to the blue blinking Battery Sense: The manual says about connecting the Battery Sense: "on your computer, click the “Scan” button on the left. " There is no Scan button in the window that pops up when I open the VictronConnect. My laptop's BlueTooth settings see both the devices and I was able to pair them, just to see. I moved the Battery Sense to another battery, where it is less than a foot from the charge controller, still blue blink.
On top of that, in settings I unnecessarily clicked on select language: English. It immediately switched to Chinese and won't budge from there. The drop down will not react to clicking English, will react to all other languages, but only in that window, the applications still comes up in Chinese. Very funny.
What a difference a day makes? Now I can select and get any language except English. I used to know some French, so French it is.