
sictc avatar image
sictc asked

PPP40 Crashes

PPP40 with BT dongle keeps crashing. It read temperature of -150 Celcius, then +50 C, then the high and low power alternate in on/off in the app and in real life both are on while unit is in standby. Unit has been in hybernation for 3 months until today when I wanted to use it for powering a satphone charger. Just a few seconds ago anothet message popped up. "Short circuit". But nothing is connected but the BT dongle.

What is the waranty on a PPP40? Is it 2 years because it is a battery or 5 years because it is more than a battery? Also the shop I purchased doesnt believe they can do anything because the product is 2 years old. But Victron only deals with dealers, how will I get waranty if I am still entitled?

I can do electronic repairs but would hate to void existing waranty.

Many thanks

Peak Power Pack
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1 Answer
Rob Fijn avatar image
Rob Fijn answered ·

Hello Sictc, the way to go forward is, find your closed dealer via the victron website. A dealer is able to record a RMA at Victron.. this should get the ball rolling.

Regards, Rob

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Related Resources

Peak Power Pack Product Page.

Peak Power Pack Manual PDF.

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