
tonus72 avatar image
tonus72 asked

Victron BMV712 instal with existing shunt

Hi - I am planning an instal on my boat of the BMV712 to monitor the house bank. There is currently an Outback inverter/charger installed which has a shunt on the negative battery cable.

Am I ok to install the BMV shunt before the existing inverter charger shunt? So negative cable from the battery to the BMV shunt and then cable from the out terminal of the BMV to the existing battery side of the interverter/charger sunt? Existing shunt shown in the picture.

I hope that question makes sense? In series maybe, if I have the terminology right?



BMV Battery Monitor
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1 Answer
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

Yes you can do that. I also did this a few times without any problems.

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