
matrtin22 avatar image
matrtin22 asked

Why is my mppt not charging?

Solar power is at 0.

Sometimes jumping to 20 w, but never higher... which is never enough to change the battery.

i checked all the suggestions the warning gives me.... no improvement

i have a 300w solarpanels system on my van, with a MultiPluss compact 12/ 2000, mppt 100/20 & a 90wh lithium battery



mppt charging
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2 Answers
Trina avatar image
Trina answered ·

Since no one else has responded yet

1. Sunlight is strong?

2. Cables connection from panels all good and adequate size?

3. Multimeter shows solar panels have voltage?

4. If using shunt, all wires to shunt are on negative side?

5. All connection terminals good?

6. No blown fuses (either in wires or in mppt)?

7. Battery is set up in mppt correct voltage?

8. Solar panel makes +5v to battery charging/battery voltage?

Looks like fault might be a fuse or bad solar panel wire or panel, but just guessing.

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bonie-wanda avatar image
bonie-wanda answered ·

Check the voltage on the PV terminals of the MPPT. If it is not 5+ battery voltage than it won’t charge.

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