
Randy Repass Jr avatar image
Randy Repass Jr asked

Mac user configuration of Multiplus using MK3 USB

I've downloaded the Mac VictronConnect app on the Victron website, but it doesn't see my Multiplus, even while I'm connected using the MK3 USB. All other discussion here discusses using Wine or Parallels, yet there is a Mac app on the site for this purpose. Anyone have any luck using the app and seeing their device?


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7 Answers
markus avatar image
markus answered ·

Configuring a MultiPlus with VictronConnect + MK3 on a MAC (and Windows) is about to come very soon.

Expect this, to be working very shortly.


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freebirdrv avatar image freebirdrv commented ·

Is there a plan to use the VE.Bus Smart Dongle to configure the multiplus in the future? Also when is Very Shortly?

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hari-seldon avatar image hari-seldon commented ·

Is Multiplus configuration with VictronConnect + MK3 on Mac now working?

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Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ♦♦ hari-seldon commented ·

It is working, but still limited compared to VE.Configure. For the full list of current limitations - please see this VE.Bus section of the VictronConnect documentation:

Improving its capability is a focus of development and will be increased over time.

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marekp avatar image marekp Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ♦♦ commented ·

@Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager)

Is it really necessary to limit the MacOS system compatibility to 10.12 and higher for the VictronConnect?

There is a load of perfectly capable Mac computers that can only run MacOS 10.9.5.

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We only change it when absolutely forced to by the platform, or underlying frameworks.

When an update breaks compatibility with an older version, we keep an old copy linked here:

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marekp avatar image marekp Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ♦♦ commented ·

@Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager)

But the old copy does not have the new information in it, or does it?

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ hari-seldon commented ·

You pretty much need windows (sadly) to configure a multi. Connect is way too basic and until it is improved to manage assistants and more in depth settings, it really is only any good for adjusting charge settings and applying firmware updates, when required.

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wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

The VictronConnect app doesn't support VE.Bus devices - yet!
The only current option is VE.Configure which doesn't run natively on a Mac, hence the Wine / Parallels discussions.

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Randy Repass Jr avatar image
Randy Repass Jr answered ·

Hey Marcus... how long is very soon? I've batteries needing cycled properly to survive 😉

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mocat avatar image
mocat answered ·

Hi I have the same problem i have paid $100 for this usb dongle thing and it doesn't work? whats the go with the connection issue i would think it should be plug and play its not recognising my USB on my Mac Book at all ? I have installed victron connect on my Mac .

Thanks in advance


1 comment
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valden avatar image valden commented ·

Hi Michael. Can I please ask how you are going with configuring your Quattro, perhaps with a Mac, possibly with the dongle? Thanks.
Yesterday I succeeded in using Remote VE Configure with my iPad to download my MultiPlus' configuration. But I was not able to edit the configuration. That needed a borrowed Windows PC, the dongle and VE Configure 3.

Thanks, Rick.

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mocat avatar image
mocat answered ·

sorry i have a Victron Quattro 48v 8kw

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mocat avatar image
mocat answered ·

I would think this would identify my Quattro ?

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mocat avatar image
mocat answered ·

victron-serial.png (528.1 KiB)
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